Webflow Widget Translation

Hello! I’m new here and sorry for the dumb question, but how is it possible to translate de Widget text on Websflow? I found a previous post on this community (here) but I did not figure out how to properly implement the code on the page. Can anybody please help me? Much appreciated thanks.

Hey. If you’re using this manual then you need to add some additional code. At the first step you need to add this code to your page:

    <script type="module">
      const config = document.querySelector("lr-config");
      config.localeDefinitionOverride = {
        en: {
          "upload-file": "Custom text",
          "upload-files": "Custom text",

It will change your Upload file/files buttons to “Custom text” and you can find more translation pairs here.

Give it a try and let me know if somethis doesn’t work.


Thanks you for your quick reply Arkadii. I changed my configuration to the manual you mentioned, but then my page turned 404 error. I just don’t know what error could I have done. Before, I had the configuration based on this tutorial it was working, but I could not manage to change the button text to upload files. I guess there’s is more than one way to implement the widget, maybe one is newer and works better than the other. I’m new here, and my knowledge about code is at the very beginning. Below are some screenshots of my implementation. Thank you!

Hi @gustavo.andrighetto, try moving lr-config to the page’s body (the HTML embed block). We have updated our tutorial, and it should help How to upload files in Webflow using Uploadcare File Uploader — Uploadcare Blog.

Also, instead of redefining the EN locale, you may want to use a pre-defined locale. See this article to learn more about it: File Uploader localization. At the moment, the uploader supports the following locales:

'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'he', 'it', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'tr', 'uk', 'zh-TW', 'zh'

Hello @Alex thank you for your reply! I successfully managed to implement the form following the updated tutorial, but I failed to change the localization and translate it. I got lost lost on where should I add those lines of code based on the Webflow integration. Is there any clue on that? Thank you!

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