UploadCare support React Native?

I have integrated the widget only React JS and this works very great!

But now, my questio is if Upload Care support React Native

Hi @wilfredon163 :wave:

Our widget doesn’t work in ReactNative apps due to its jQuery dependency. We’re working on a new, jQuery-free widget version that’s coming later this year.

Currently, you can implement file uploads with direct uploads to upload API. Also, you might be interested in checking out our JS file uploading library, which will become a part of the new widget.

So now that you have pure javascript support, does that mean we can now use it in React Native?

Hi @dadi, sorry for the delayed response! The new widget version is still using jQuery, so it can’t be used in ReactNative. Removing the jQuery dependency is our next step that we’re going to take at the start of 2020. Stay tuned :radio:

Is there an update to this? Curious to know if using the react widget is good enough or if there are plans to have a component bridge using the ios/android sdk’s?

Hi @Jon_Stuebe, we’re almost done with the new uploader. Shoot us a note at hello@uploadcare.com if you’d like to take a look at developer preview. So far, for native apps we recommend using upload-client or Android/iOS SDKs.