Upload care widget form looks transparent in mobile app

I am using angular Ionic and follow the process to include widget for angular as mentioned and while running the application in mobile I see upload care widget is loading but all control is transparent, Can someone know bout this issue , please help

Followed below process to include widget in phone and web.

I can see uploadcare widget is loading properly in web but in Iphone … the controls are transparent , please help

Hi @csepiyush1,

Thanks for reaching out! Can you share a screenshot or screen recording to demonstrate what it looks like? I guess you’re referring to the issue we’re fixing now

this is what ,thanks.

Thanks. We’re working on a fix. Add the github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-widget and GitHub - uploadcare/ngx-uploadcare-widget: Angular 2+ wrapper for Uploadcare Widget repos to your watchlist not to miss the update when it comes up.