Loading Images to a feed

Is there any way of getting the UUID just after upload so I can have a dynamically loaded feed of images?

Hi @aire2100, thanks for your question. Yes, you can do that using the JS API of the uploader

// get a widget reference
var widget = uploadcare.Widget('[role=uploadcare-uploader]');

// listen to the "upload completed" event
widget.onUploadComplete(function (fileInfo) {
  // get CDN URL from file information. Here you can generate a thumbnail using the file URL, save the URL to DB, etc. File UUID and other info can be extracted from fileInfo as well

When it comes to multiple file uploading, you can use the onChange() method instead

// get a widget reference
var widget = uploadcare.Widget('[role=uploadcare-uploader]');
widget.onChange(function(group) {
  // get an array of files
  group.files().forEach(function(file) {
    // get CDN URL from file information. Here you can generate a thumbnail using the file URL, save the URL to DB, etc. File UUID and other info can be extracted from fileInfo as well
    file.done(function(fileInfo) {

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