Issue with webflow input

Hi there,

I tried your tuto about implementing uploadcare in a Webflow form (, but i faced to an issue.

I tried the script with « blocks@0.25.0 » and it worked fine, i get the file url into my input #url-field. But i wanted to use the new simple upload button, and when using the new « blocks@0.38.1 », the upload works fine, but the file url didn’t come to the input #url-field.

Can you help me with this?


Hi @Tin,

There have been a few versions between 0.25.0 and 0.38.1 that introduced breaking changes. See Changelog for more details.

If you need a form input that will be automatically populated with the URL of the uploaded file, you don’t need events, and you can use <lr-form-input> instead: File Uploader HTML forms handling

If you still need to use events to handle more complex workflows, this guide should help you migrate from the old event system to the current one Migration guide for @uploadcare/blocks v0.32.0.

Got it ! Thanks a lot man.

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