Basically, now, every time I upload something via the upload widget I do complex manipulations to properly store image URLs inside an array/variable. And since you may want to add/remove one/remove all, you have to do complex array manipulations to keep record of all changes.
This is what your updated script looks like now.
/ get a widget reference
const widget = uploadcare.MultipleWidget("[role=uploadcare-uploader]");
// script modified by me. Added array logic to collect all possible links into one variable
let arr = new Array;
// listen to the “change” event
widget.onChange(function (group) {
// get a list of file instances
group.files().forEach(file => {
// once each file is uploaded, get its CDN URL from the fileInfo object
file.done(fileInfo => {
// script modified by me. Added array logic to collect all possible links into one variable
// this was a test piece to make sure that input field trick receives vale test.onclick = function() {
document.getElementById(“trick”).value = arr;
// Function to change content of element
// test.onclick = function() {
document.getElementById(“trick”).value = arr;
// alert(arr);
Is there a way to get an updated array of URLs every time I delete /add files?
That is my biggest pain point now.
I need output like this. Comma-separated URLs: