Not sure, why but after adding a global parameter clearable=true I noticed an error in consol.
Interesting, I’m getting a very similar error that just started. Have rolled back our code, but still getting the issue
Hello everyone. Diego, could you please share your widget’s code via codesandbox or something similar?
Here is my code.
// get a widget reference
const widget = uploadcare.MultipleWidget(“[role=uploadcare-uploader]”);
// listen to the “change” event
widget.onChange(function (group) {
var arr = new Array();
// get a list of file instances
group.files().forEach((file) => {
// once each file is uploaded, get its CDN URL from the fileInfo object
file.done((fileInfo) => {
document.getElementById("trick").value = arr;
$('#photos-status').text("✅ Photos are uploaded");
Hey, thanks for the code. We’re going to look at this.
Hey @Diego_Riveira, quick question. Could you please share your global settings for the widget as well? I mean the part where you’ve used clearable=true.